

Content provided through this member platform, website, blog posts, articles, white papers, webinars, masterclasses, courses and discussion forums are made available for educational and practice development purposes only. Materials are intended to provide information on best practices in building a financial services practice, or other business, and not to provide compliance or legal advice.

Consult with your firm or company compliance department before implementing any strategies, to ensure they align with current firm policies and industry regulations.

The Andree Group and its Courses, Community and Content is not responsible for any errors or omissions in the content of this site or damages arising from the use or performance of this site under any circumstances.

Materials found on the Andree Group site and courses are original works produced by and are sole property of The Andree Group. Course, Bootcamp and Academy materials contain unique proprietary information which is being shared with you for limited use within your current department solely in connection with your membership in a program of The Andree Group. Any reproduction or distribution of Andree Group/Course, Bootcamp and Academy materials (or any portion thereof) in any form is prohibited without the prior written consent of Kristin Andree of The Andree Group. Violation of these Terms of Use may result in legal action.