Have you ever felt you spend so much time living your life, that you forget to enjoy it?

That the place you find yourself in seems almost unrecognizable, leaving you to wonder, how did I get here?

Is this truly what you want your life to look like?

Far too many people spend years - even decades - doing what they thought they should do.
Living to please others, at the expense of themselves.

They find themselves rounding out their edges or staying squarely in their comfort zones.
They build successful careers, while neglecting to take time for family or fun. They feel accomplished, yet unfulfilled.
Whether you’ve slipped into being a people pleaser, been afraid to step up, or simply don’t know how to put yourself on your priority list, know there is a way to intentionally design your life.
To fill it with the right people, the right things, and the right intentions.
With You’re Not for Everyone, Kristin Andree guides you in discovering what has been keeping you from the life you were meant to lead, and helps you craft a plan to design that life.
After all, isn’t that what we all deserve?

Your intentional life is waiting for you. Are you ready to live it?

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